Level 3

Recitation of Surah Yasin

This is the final list of recitation for Surah Yasin.

Everybody should practice with from the recitation of Qari Husary. Listen carefully to one verse and then recite along once with the Qari once.

Please practice your assigned page everyday starting tomorrow.

I will have a one-on-one session with each of the recitor on Whatsapp over the next week.

Please put in you best efforts and be prepared before our meeting.

Muhammad Ali Rizvi: Pg 440
Kayhan Haider: Pg 441
Azaan Rizvi: Pg 442
Muhammad Husayn: Pg 443
Qayem Dattu: Pg 444
Zaki Haider: Pg 445

May Allah reward each and everyone of you and your parents abundantly.