Fall 2024 Level 3

Week 8 (Silent Letters و ا ل ى )

Week 8 (Silent Letters و ا ل ى )

This week, we learned about the concepts of Silent Letters (و ا ل ى ).

Rule 1: Whenever there’s a standing Alif on top of a Ya, the Ya becomes silent, and the standing Alif is pronounced with a 2 Harakah stretch. E.g. موسیٰ  is pronounced as موسا

Rule 2: Whenever there’s a standing Alif on top of a pointed tooth, it is recited as a Madd. E.g. سَوَّىٰهَا  is pronounced as


In the next class, we will continue with “Silent Letters”.

Messages From the Quran:

On Friday in class talk about Imam Jaffer-e- Sadiq AS knowledge and his hard work. We also learned an ayah from the Quran

إِنَّ سَعْيَكُمْ لَشَتَّىٰ  “Surely you work hard for different reasons.” (92:4)

Homework: Please go through the attached doc for homework.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

JazakumAllah and best regards,

Level 3.

Enjoy some pictures from this week.