Level 4

Overview Week 12

This week, we covered the rules of Ikhfaa. Important notes about Ikhfaa:
* If the noon sakin has no sign and tanwin is not regular, then it is either Iqlab (ب) or Idgham (یرملون) or Ikhfa. If its not Iqlab or Idgham, it is Ikhfa
* The stretch for ghunnah in Ikhfa is two harakah
* While reciting the ghunnah the mouth should shape the following letter so you can hear the ghunnah in the sound of the next letter

Homework for coming week
* Monday: Recite the words in the picture below 👇
* Tuesday: Recitation of Surah Qalam v 18 – 33

Sharing some pictures from Quran classes during Ramadan. May Allah protect all our children and make them the best in understanding and acting upon the Quran.