TA Training

Training Session 11

Lessons covered:

🌺 Covered 7 attributes of letters. The attributes that include
Isti’la ( Ø® ص ض غ Ø· Ù‚ ظ) Isti’fal ( light letters) Itbaq ( ص ض Ø· ظ ) Infitaah ( Ø® Ù‚ غ and all the remaining letters )
Leen(sukoon on letters ا و) preceeding by a fatha Qalqalah (ق ط ب ج د)
Ghunna ( Ù… Ù† )

🌺 alhumdolillah, we have started the ahkamul huroof, the non- intrinsic attributes of letters and have covered the rules ofل. when ل is recited heavy and when it is recited light and when Alif maddi/ dagger Alif recited heavy and light

🌺 We practiced the words and ayahs for both

Recite the assigned ayahs of Surah Mujadila to practice your heavy and light Ù„ including everything we have covered so far.

For Sunday :
Ayah 1-3
Ayah 4- 6
Ayah 7-8
Ayah 9-11
Ayah 12-14
Ayah 15 – 21
Ayah 22
Ayah 1-4
Ayah 5-8

Recite the assigned ayahs of Surah Naziaat to practice your heavy and light Alif maddi including everything we have covered so far.

For Tuesday :
Ayah 1-15
Ayah 16- 31
Ayah 32- 46
Ayah 1-15
Ayah 16-31
Ayah 32 – 46
Ayah 1- 15
Ayah 16-31
Ayah 32-46