Overview of Week 4
- Review of the articulation points. Slides Pg 22 – 26
- Articulation of the letter و. Slides Pg 27 – 32
- Articulation of the letter ح. Slides Pg 33 – 38
- Articulation of the letter ع. Slides Pg 39 – 40
- Rules of words starting with همزة الوصل
Please record and send the recitations privately on WhatsApp. There are two assignments which are due on Monday and Tuesday
1. Monday Assignment
Recitation of the pages below. Please listen to the recitation of letters و (from 9:44 to 14:35) and ح (from 18:51 to 24:35) a few times and practice before sending from this Youtube Video
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2. Tuesday Assignment
- Recitation of the first page for the letter ع below
- Recitation of Surah al-Fatihah
- Recitation of Ruku
- Recitation of Sajdah
- Recitation of Qiyam
- Recitation of Tashahhud
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