Level 1

Days 4/5 & 6/7

Hope you all are doing well, iA. Brief update on what was covered during the last 2 weeks.

Days 4/5:
Along with the salam song, sign language for saying salam ayah was introduced and we focused on Bismillah.
Kids used play dough to make the letters Alif, Ba, Ta while reviewing them and the letter Tha was introduced through the story of giving to gain thwaab and Jeem by listening to the story of Proohet Saleh and the Camel.
Kids were assigned pages for 15, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 24 for homework.

Day 6/7:
Last week we started the class with the salam song, the sign language for salam ayah and worked on Bismillah along with the next ayah of Surah al Fateha.
We reviewed all the previous letters and introduced the letters Ha for Hamd and Kha for Khair through stories. We played a memory game of good actions that we should do and a game of recognizing the letters when connected.
Individual assessment of kids were also done. Homework pages assigned 26, 27, 28, 31. Most of the homework pages are fun activities to help reinforce the letters. If for any reason your child doesn’t wanna do them, please don’t insist, we’ll work on them in class, iA