Level 3

Session 6 & 7 (Tanween)

This week, we reviewed the Tanween (Fathatain, Dhammatain & Kasratain). After the class lesson, we had the kids read and practice Tanween from the Quran.

In Class Arba’een Majlis:
We were fortunate enough to commemorate the Arba’een of Imam Hussain(as) in our class on Thursday. The kids expressed their emotions and wishes for what they would do for Imam Hussain(as). They did their pledges while holding a flag of Hadrat Abbas(as) in their hands. Their pledges were innocent and heartfelt, Alhamdulillah.

We concluded with the Zyaarah that we’ve been memorizing.

For this week’s homework, please have the kids find, mark, and read words on the Quranic page with the Tanween tagged.