
Snacks Signup

We need a small help with some household items.

First, we serve snacks after class on Fridays. This is a way for kids to enjoy the environment and look forward to the next week. We request your help in this regard.

This is the link to the snacks sign-up sheet
I request you to kindly volunteer one Friday during the semester to serve snacks. You can enter your names in any slot directly or message me. The instructions are on the sheet as well.

Second, while there is no issue with sitting in the Banquet Hall while your kids are having classes but please make sure to turn off the lights when you leave and make sure it is left clean. If you see the banquet hall empty with lights turned on, turn them off.

Thirdly, lets help keep the premises clean. If you see snacks spilled on the floor, please clean it up and Allah will clean your sins as well.