
Martyrdom of Lady Sayyidah Fatima S.A. and Last Class for Fall 2023

Alhamdulillah the kids have made good progress during the semester. This shows the parent’s dedication and importance towards the Quran.

We only have two weeks left. Please try to ensure the kids have covered all their lessons covered.

Also, the holidays are the biggest time period where a student forgets what has been taught.

Please plan for the homework practice lessons during the winter break so we do not have to repeat everything.

The last Friday of our semester Dec 15th will fall on the night of martyrdom of Lady Sayyida Fatima Zehra S.A. There will be no class this night so all of us can participate in Azadari.

Thursday Dec 14th will be the last day of class and we would request full attendance like the rest of the semester.

The kids will participate in a brief majlis for Lady Sayyida Fatima Zehra S.A. on this night. This is a students only program.