Level 1

Session 16 (Letters Laam and Meem)

Letters and Theme Words:
Letters Learned: ل، م
Theme Word: لسان ، محمد

Letters Review:
We played a fun game of “Snap the cards” with Arabic letters flashcards. JazakumAllah, to your efforts at home, MashaAllah, the kids are retaining what they’ve learned.

Letters ل،م Story Time:
Today’s story was about a boy, Muhammad, who was helping his Mom, trying different ingredients to choose the best flavor for a cake to celebrate Imam Mahdi(as)’s birthday.

Muhammad learned that our tongue not only lets us enjoy tasty foods, but it also has certain responsibilities that we should be mindful of, including: Halal food considerations, speaking only truth, using nice words when we talk to others and making sure not to hurt anyone with what we say inshaAllah.

Taste Testing:
The kids tasted lemons, marshmallows(halal), and chocolate chips as an experiment to check our taste buds.

Imam Mahdi(atfs) Birthday Celebration:
Quran Academy celebrated the birthday of Imam(atfs) of our time with beautifully decorating the Multipurpose room, presenting heartfelt recitations, and a cookie decoration. It was very festive, and kids enjoyed a lot, Alhamdulillah.

Homework for letters Kaaf, Qaaf, Laam, and Meen will be due next class, Thursday, March 16th inshaAllah.