Level 2

Week 13 Overview

Lessons Covered:

⭐Double Shadda
⭐Review of Ghunnah

Message of the Week:

🌸Teachings of Imam Hasan (as).
🌸Story of Imam Hasan (as) & Imam Hussain (as) teaching correct way of doing Wudu to an old man.
🌸Significance of reciting Du’aa Marifat e Imam (as) – The recitation of du’aa helps us to stay connected to Imam Mahdi (as). Through him (as) we will be able to know our religion and protect us from deviating from the right path.

*Du’aa Marifat e Imam (atfs): *

Insha Allah, this week we will review du’aa and expect students to recite fluently.

Ziyarat of Imam Mahdi (as):

We request you to encourage your children to recite Ziyarah of Imam Mahdi (as) after every prayer at home.
