Level 4

Yusuf rises in rank (v54 – 57)

The month of Ramadan is fast approaching. I pray we can increase our recitation and our understanding of the Qur’an during this month.

Our target for this month is the kids be able to recite atleast one page of the Quran fluently without making a single mistake.

I also hope that the kids can volunteer to recite Dua Iftitah or the dua for Maghrib and Isha atleast once during the month. Let me know if you need sample duas to copy from.

I would hope you can spend some extra time with your hardworking kids and recite the Quran together with them.

Last Week – Yusuf rises in rank (v54 – 57)
Please review and discuss it with your children.

Next Lesson – Yusuf’s brothers come to Egypt (v58 – 67)
Recite and review the verses (58 – 62) with your recitation partners and send it by Monday evening
Recite and review the verses (63 – 67) with your recitation partners and send it by Wednesday evening