Overview Week 15
Homework for coming week * Sunday: Surah al-Haqqa v25 – 33 * Monday: Surah al-Haqqa v34-43 * Tuesday: Surah al-Haqqa v44 – 52 * Wednesday:…
Continue reading →Homework for coming week * Sunday: Surah al-Haqqa v25 – 33 * Monday: Surah al-Haqqa v34-43 * Tuesday: Surah al-Haqqa v44 – 52 * Wednesday:…
Continue reading →Hoping this will find you well Insha’Allah. As for these last few weeks, we will be more focused on the recitation from the Quran and…
Continue reading →Salaamun Alaikum Respected Parents, Thank you so much for taking out time for the Parents Teachers Conference. It was great meeting you and discussing your…
Continue reading →Week 14 (Rules for reading words beginning with Hamzatul Wasl) When Hamzatul Wasl comes at the beginning of a word, it can be recited in…
Continue reading →Lesson covered: We covered the rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween. Girls learnt about the terms Izhar, Iqlaab, Idgham, and Ikhfa and how to detect…
Continue reading →Homework for the coming week * Monday: Recitation of Surah al-Haqqa v1 – 8 * Tuesday: Recitation of Surah al-Haqqa v9 – 16 * Wednesday:…
Continue reading →Lessons Covered: 🌺 Review of all the rules. Message of the Quran: ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ “Guide us along the Straight Path.” Surah Al-Fatihah[2:6] إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ…
Continue reading →We celebrated Eid Al-Fitr with our friends and played games in the class. Alhumdolillah children had so much fun! Message of the Week Messages we…
Continue reading →HOMEWORK: Recite the assigned page of Surah Zumar along with all the rules we have covered so far. Please listen and follow along with qari…
Continue reading →Week 13 (Silent Letters و ا ل ى ) RULE 9: If Hamzatul Wasl is preceded by the long vowel Wow Madd, Wow Madd will…
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